Something is wrong To This Photo Recognize you?

Something is wrong To This Photo Recognize you? Given the enormous amount of press coverage of Michael Vick’s pit bulls, television shows devoted to pit bulls, such as DogTown by National Geographic and Pit Bulls and Parolees by Animal Planet, and the constant production of “positive pit bull” stories by the pit bull community

Deakin University is one of Australia's most progressive and visionary universities. Providing superior, student-centered education, Deakin is an increasingly popular destination for overseas students, with around 70,000 students studying on its various campuses, from the workplace or home.
Scholastic excellence, top quality research, industry partnerships and tailored courses are among the factors that attract students from all around the world. Deakin's reputation for excellent teaching and innovative course delivery has been recognised through many awards over the past decade.
Deakin has five campuses: two in Melbourne, two in Geelong and one in Warrnambool. In addition to traditional campus-based teaching at these locations, we are committed to also providing flexible learning options through innovative teaching and delivery methods. In this, and other ways, Deakin provides opportunities, not only for school-leavers from metropolitan areas, but also for students from remote and isolated areas, international students, mature-age students and indigenous Australian students to access the benefits of higher education. More than 12,000 of our 29,000 students study externally.